Assessor Steven J. Zawaski

Useful Links
What is my PIN?A PIN or Property Index Number is a unique identifying number that the Assessors Office uses to track all parcels of real property in Cook County. Your PIN can be found near the top of your assessment notice or tax bill.
What is an appeal?In Cook County, your Class 2 residential property is assessed at 10 percent of its estimated property value. The estimated property value is determined by analyzing sales information of similar homes in your area. For example, an estimated property value of $100,000 would calculate to an assessed valuation of $10,000. Class 2 properties include detached single-family houses, townhomes, condominiums, cooperatives, and multi-family residential buildings with no more than six dwelling units. (Separate instructions are available for condominiums and cooperatives.)
Keep in mind, the Assessor does not calculate taxes. Local governments, such as municipalities and school districts, determine the overall amount of real estate taxes collected in your community. It is important that your assessed valuation be accurate and fair, as it does play a role in determining your share of those taxes.
Where can I file an appeal of my property taxes?You will receive a “Notice of Proposed Assessed Valuation” in the mail when the Assessor’s Office reassesses your home every three years. This notice includes an estimate of the proposed property value and the proposed assessed valuation. The notice also includes a list of characteristics that are relevant to your home’s property value.
Once you have received your “Notice of Proposed Assessed Valuation”, you have approximately 30 calendar days to file an appeal with our office. The last date to file an appeal is printed on the top of your notice. You may also appeal your assessed valuation in any year between reassessments.
What is a homeowners exemption and how can I receive it?You can receive the Homeowner Exemption if you own or have a lease or contact which makes you responsible for the real estate taxes of the residential property. It must also be used as your principal place of residence for the year in question.
This exemption will be prorated if you purchased a newly constructed home that was not ready for occupancy until sometime after January 1 of the tax year in question. For further assistance, call our office at 708-449-4304. If you have never received a Homeowner Exemption on your home, you will need to apply for one. Exemption forms may be obtained by calling or visiting our local township assessor or downloading the above.
Monday—Friday: 8:30 AM-4:00 PM